I can't believe my baby girl is one!! It went by way too fast. I will have to post her birth story for you to read. It was amazing. Every day is so fun and we love watching her grow. I started planning her birthday months before because I was so excited to throw a party!
I found these beautiful yellow lanterns for a $1 at Michael's!! I bought a pack of butterflies at Michael's and hot glued them to the lanterns. I loved the look but wish I would have bought two packs of the butterflies.

Can you tell I'm obsessed with yellow? A sun shiny yellow?!
I set up a craft table for all of the kids. Since I knew there would be varying ages I decided crafts would be better than games. They loved it. All of the crafts came from Michael's and most were found in the $1 bins!!!! Yay

Showing off the mask he colored.

Felt butterflies I cut out and
laid on the tables. Next time I would stick them on with double sided tape because the wind kept blowing them off.

One of my favorite decorations.....my flag garland! I made it from felt.

I sewed on yellow bias tape which worked great. I just
sandwiched the flags into the bias tape and sewed them in. Sew easy. (I couldn't resist
hehe) I also edged the felt with a
decorative stitch in yellow thread.
I cut out the butterflies with
the template on MarthaStewartliving.com and hand embroidered them.

Here I am making cotton candy! One of my favorites. We rented a cotton candy and snow cone machine. It was a big hit. So much fun!

I used the same
butterfly template to cut out the fondant butterflies. I piped on royal icing details. Next time I will use gum paste because the fondant was too heavy and didn't harden enough so the biggest butterfly's wing broke. I was able to fix it a little so it wasn't that bad.

Here is my baby girl in a traditional Korean
Hanbok and
ayam that her Grandma Nam brought back from Korea. I was so excited to be able to add a little of Amelia's Korean heritage to her 1st birthday party. We bought colorful rice cakes that are traditional for the 1st birthday celebration and her Grandma Nam made a few Korean dishes.
The birthday dress is brightly colored and quite fancy due to the
Dol or 1st birthday being one of the most special and celebrated day of the child's life. In the past, the death rate of babies in Korea was very high and many did not make it to their 1st birthday so when a baby made it to their 1st birthday the whole village would gather to celebrate.

She was
soooo tired but was such a trooper. She never fussed.

Here is Amelia performing the
doljabi which is where the child is placed
in front of a table that has items that represent certain careers. We went with more modern items like a
fetoscope for the medical field, calculator for education, sunglasses for celebrity etc.
Amelia chose the
fetoscope first and then the calculator second. My husband said she was double majoring!

Don't we look proud?! We had so much fun even though I was running around like a chicken with its head cut off. Next time I'm delegating jobs out.

At this point she was like, "Take this off of me!"


She couldn't hang on any longer. She was so tired but she was such a happy girl that day. She kept playing and never complained even though she was sleepy.

I found these mini take out boxes in packages of 10 at World Market and they were 50% off!! They were perfect to use as favors. I put Korean candies in them. I found the striped ribbon at World Market too. I love love love the way they turned out.