I finally went for it! I went back and forth for months trying to decide if I wanted to cut my hair. I was originally growing it out. My goal was waist length. I was a few inches from reaching my goal when I started to get the itch. The itch to cut my hair. I loved my long hippie, Renaissance hair but I also missed my 1940's hairstyles. After Casey from Elegant Musings cut her hair in a modified middy I knew right then that it was time for me to cut my hair again. I decided to get a modified middy as well since I wasn't ready to commit to a true middy cut. I asked for my hair to be cut in a U shape with the shortest part of the cut to reach the top of my shoulders and the deepest part of the U to lay a few inches below my shoulders. Lots of layers were cut in. About 8-9 inches were cut off of my length. I haven't had my hair this short since 2001. My stylist kept asking if I was sure and I assured her that I was. My hair grows quickly and every time I get home from getting my hair cut I usually regret not cutting it a few inches shorter. This time I was serious and have yet to regret cutting it this short.

The next day I used hot rollers instead of sleeping in pillow sponge rollers. I think the hot rollers gave my hair cut a nice relaxed 50's look. Very Elizabeth Taylor.

I prefer setting my hair in pillow sponge rollers with a little setting lotion. I bought Lottabody setting lotion and a small spray bottle. I followed the direction on the bottle to dilute it with water. The small spray bottle is perfect. My hair is so thick I couldn't imagine how long it would take for me to pin curl my whole head!
I'm glad my husband doesn't mind me going to bed with my hair in curlers and a scarf around my head. ;-)
The more hair I put in a roller the less tight the curls. Obvious right?
I clearly used more curlers in the picture below. My curlers were tight and lasted all day. The next day my curls were just right. I could easily get three good hair days from one setting!